Christine Hutchinson

Executive Director of Our Core

“Cheese Cave” in Springfield, Missouri Photo Credit: Brown Political Review
From left to right: Luis Yepiz, Ben Collier, and Sophia Adelle on Capitol Hill for The United Fresh Conference.

Here’s What’s New, What’s Promising, and What Falls Short. 

Storm surge floods the parking lot to McElroy’s Harbor House restaurant in Mississippi on August 26 as Hurricane Ida approached. Hannah Ruhoff
Photo credit:
Christine Hutchinson
Executive Director of Our Core
No items found.

In the town of Newburgh, New York, which lies along the Hudson River about 60 miles north of Manhattan, there is a cooperative community of youth involved in an organization called Our Core. Our Core has varied educational opportunities for the local youth, including everything from agricultural to scholarship opportunities, but they are all focused on addressing the systems of injustice in Newburgh by helping students. Our Core has a rich history that starts in 2004 with a teacher named Christine Hutchinson and her idea for a program called Girls to Ladies—“a character and life-skill development group for teen girls in which members learn and grow through collaborative problem solving and community service,” according to Our Core’s website.

I was able to speak with Christine, now Executive Director of Our Core, in November after The Farmlink Project began an extended partnership with the organization in October. According to Claudia Sandell, one of the leaders of The Farmlink Project’s Farms Team, “[Our Core] set up contracts with local farmers for weekly produce deliveries until December 15th and we're going to help them cover the cost of the produce and transportation...spanning over about eight weeks.” The deliveries consist of roughly 10,340 pounds of mixed fresh produce including squash, carrots, potatoes, sweet potatoes, radish, onions, greens, and apples. Though these deliveries seem similar to other deliveries we do on a weekly basis, Our Core is a distinct nonprofit in that unlike many other food access organizations we partner with, its primary goal does not revolve around solving food insecurity. I enjoyed learning about Our Core’s initiatives and programs while talking to Christine, as well as their transition to putting an emphasis on helping feed families in their community during the pandemic.

Our Core officially became a nonprofit organization in 2017, according to Christine. Three main programs comprise Our Core: Girls to Ladies, AgriCultural Education, and Funding Academics. Christine noted that AgriCultural Education is the “fastest growing, most visible program.” This program includes an opportunity to complete a paid summer internship—an opportunity established three years ago. The home base for this internship program is the Downing Park Urban Farm (DPUF) in Newburgh. Though Our Core had to reduce the number of interns this past season to maintain social distancing, they worked for a longer time period—from May until late-October/early-November—making them instrumental in growing 4,500 pounds of produce under the direction of the DPUF farmer, Molly Foley. There are three different “tracks” that make up this internship program, according to Christine and Our Core’s website: Marketing, Growing, and Education. The marketing and education interns complete much of their internship running a farmers market, and the education interns work with Land to Learn, taking what they learn at the farm to teach elementary-aged children. Our Core also has also worked with the local high school to establish an urban agriculture course, and Christine said that they are working to “create a college-level course for the spring.” These programs all existed before COVID-19, but a new one has emerged this year to address the new hunger challenges the community is currently facing.

According to Christine, this new push is called Our Core’s “COVID response food access initiative.” She described how there was a USDA program paying farmers to provide food boxes for communities in need, but that “nobody was sending boxes to Newburgh.” Being the action-oriented educator that she is, Christine wanted to help solve this problem and made it possible for Our Core to be funded to distribute food. Specifically, this funding came from Glynfood’s Food Sovereignty Fund, which Christine described as “money given to organizations like Our Core…so they can connect farms to feeding programs”—just like The Farmlink Project, except more local and community-based! This is an ongoing initiative, and she has been able to include students in multiple steps of the process, including “sorting and packaging produce, and choosing appropriate produce for their communities,” according to Christine. Our Core has been partnering with five “feeding programs,” including a local group called M’Vore Cares, and has helped serve homeless residents in Newburgh. They have also been partnering with multiple farms in the area: Farm Fresh Caribbean Growers in New Paltz, Second Wind CSA in Gardiner, Farm Tournant in Montgomery, Grandpa Farm at the Chester Agriculture Center, and Trinity Farms in Milton. By working with Our Core, The Farmlink Project is also directly supporting these farms and food access groups.

Christine described the extensive challenges that Newburgh has faced during the pandemic. There was a reduction in volunteers, more produce had to be donated rather than sold, and Christine said that “a lot more of the food went directly into the kids’ neighborhoods.” She also explained that the AgriCultural Education program shifted to focus on “production” with the “goal of feeding the community,” and said that students were “at the farm all the time.” Still, she wanted to make sure that it was an educational experience for the students involved and that they were paid for their hard work.

I cannot believe how dedicated and determined Christine is to make a positive impact on student’s lives and the community around her. Her description of the impact the Girls to Ladies program has had stood out to me. Christine told me that since 2004, around 200 girls have participated in this program. She told me how there has been a “longevity in successes” and that the program has “come full circle” as a woman who participated in the program recently joined the board and will take over the Girls to Ladies program. Christine also emphasized why agricultural education is central to Our Core’s mission: “[The students] are disconnected from the food. [This program enables them to] grow from seed to harvest. They want to come into the growing space and have a strong desire to be there.” She recounted how one of the student interns had just recently texted her to ask if she could go over to the farm where she had been working. I could tell how passionate Christine is about making Our Core such a positive force in the community. She told me how her dream is to “have their own growing space, office space, and greenhouse space.” I was also amazed by how many different tasks Christine is able to accomplish: “I’m on the ground with students with my hands in the dirt for the agriculture program....I’m also working with leadership and directors...[and] with a garden educator...I like to have my hands in everything.” Christine, as an inventive leader of a unique and important nonprofit organization, serves as a role model for The Farmlink Project. She pushes the boundaries of what one organized group can accomplish and do to help those around them.

To learn more about Our Core, please visit their website.

These changes are great. But how’s it all going to be funded?

During the comment process, Farmlink, as well as other food rescue organizations and coalitions, raised critical questions about how the strategy would be funded and, as a result, which measures are feasible. In particular, we hoped for more clarity beyond the draft’s statement that the USDA would use American Rescue Plan Act and Inflation Reduction Act funds and the EPA would use Bipartisan Infrastructure Law funds. Of the 86 programs or initiatives reviewed in the final strategy, only 15 are completely new programs announced in the strategy. 

The other 71 are existing programs or initiatives that either already have a food loss and waste focus or that the national strategy has repackaged as food loss and waste solutions. While we had hopes of new, innovative programs being included in the strategy, the good news with these 71 programs is that most, if not all, are already funded, meaning that they are not reliant on an increasingly turbulent Congress for implementation. Of the 15 new programs, which included the EPA’s new consumer education campaign and several new cooperative agreements with land-grant universities, only 2 had specific funding mechanisms. It has become increasingly clear that food rescue organizations and other stakeholders in the food and agriculture space should not consider this strategy as a new rollout of FLW solutions, programs, and funding but rather as an evaluation of the current resources and solutions and how each can be most effectively utilized to achieve the strategy’s goals. In particular, the framing of many of USDA’s programs as FLW solutions offers opportunities to utilize existing funding, data, and infrastructure to solve one of the United States’s most pressing problems.

Whats next?

Now that we have the strategy, it’s time to truly take advantage of the opportunities it presents. In the immediate future at Farmlink, we’re excited to continue optimizing Section 32 as a critical on-farm food loss solution as we anticipate significant surplus recoveries in the fall. As we move forward, we continue to advocate for dignity with food distribution, emphasizing cultural appropriateness and quality in every pound of food we rescue. As outlined in our comments, food rescue organizations are critical stakeholders and thought partners for the agencies. Our inclusion in the strategy as such is an opportunity we are taking full advantage of to help guide federal action to support farmers, feed communities, and heal the planet.

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In the town of Newburgh, New York, which lies along the Hudson River about 60 miles north of Manhattan, there is a cooperative community of youth involved in an organization called Our Core. Our Core has varied educational opportunities for the local youth, including everything from agricultural to scholarship opportunities, but they are all focused on addressing the systems of injustice in Newburgh by helping students. Our Core has a rich history that starts in 2004 with a teacher named Christine Hutchinson and her idea for a program called Girls to Ladies—“a character and life-skill development group for teen girls in which members learn and grow through collaborative problem solving and community service,” according to Our Core’s website.

I was able to speak with Christine, now Executive Director of Our Core, in November after The Farmlink Project began an extended partnership with the organization in October. According to Claudia Sandell, one of the leaders of The Farmlink Project’s Farms Team, “[Our Core] set up contracts with local farmers for weekly produce deliveries until December 15th and we're going to help them cover the cost of the produce and transportation...spanning over about eight weeks.” The deliveries consist of roughly 10,340 pounds of mixed fresh produce including squash, carrots, potatoes, sweet potatoes, radish, onions, greens, and apples. Though these deliveries seem similar to other deliveries we do on a weekly basis, Our Core is a distinct nonprofit in that unlike many other food access organizations we partner with, its primary goal does not revolve around solving food insecurity. I enjoyed learning about Our Core’s initiatives and programs while talking to Christine, as well as their transition to putting an emphasis on helping feed families in their community during the pandemic.

Our Core officially became a nonprofit organization in 2017, according to Christine. Three main programs comprise Our Core: Girls to Ladies, AgriCultural Education, and Funding Academics. Christine noted that AgriCultural Education is the “fastest growing, most visible program.” This program includes an opportunity to complete a paid summer internship—an opportunity established three years ago. The home base for this internship program is the Downing Park Urban Farm (DPUF) in Newburgh. Though Our Core had to reduce the number of interns this past season to maintain social distancing, they worked for a longer time period—from May until late-October/early-November—making them instrumental in growing 4,500 pounds of produce under the direction of the DPUF farmer, Molly Foley. There are three different “tracks” that make up this internship program, according to Christine and Our Core’s website: Marketing, Growing, and Education. The marketing and education interns complete much of their internship running a farmers market, and the education interns work with Land to Learn, taking what they learn at the farm to teach elementary-aged children. Our Core also has also worked with the local high school to establish an urban agriculture course, and Christine said that they are working to “create a college-level course for the spring.” These programs all existed before COVID-19, but a new one has emerged this year to address the new hunger challenges the community is currently facing.

According to Christine, this new push is called Our Core’s “COVID response food access initiative.” She described how there was a USDA program paying farmers to provide food boxes for communities in need, but that “nobody was sending boxes to Newburgh.” Being the action-oriented educator that she is, Christine wanted to help solve this problem and made it possible for Our Core to be funded to distribute food. Specifically, this funding came from Glynfood’s Food Sovereignty Fund, which Christine described as “money given to organizations like Our Core…so they can connect farms to feeding programs”—just like The Farmlink Project, except more local and community-based! This is an ongoing initiative, and she has been able to include students in multiple steps of the process, including “sorting and packaging produce, and choosing appropriate produce for their communities,” according to Christine. Our Core has been partnering with five “feeding programs,” including a local group called M’Vore Cares, and has helped serve homeless residents in Newburgh. They have also been partnering with multiple farms in the area: Farm Fresh Caribbean Growers in New Paltz, Second Wind CSA in Gardiner, Farm Tournant in Montgomery, Grandpa Farm at the Chester Agriculture Center, and Trinity Farms in Milton. By working with Our Core, The Farmlink Project is also directly supporting these farms and food access groups.

Christine described the extensive challenges that Newburgh has faced during the pandemic. There was a reduction in volunteers, more produce had to be donated rather than sold, and Christine said that “a lot more of the food went directly into the kids’ neighborhoods.” She also explained that the AgriCultural Education program shifted to focus on “production” with the “goal of feeding the community,” and said that students were “at the farm all the time.” Still, she wanted to make sure that it was an educational experience for the students involved and that they were paid for their hard work.

I cannot believe how dedicated and determined Christine is to make a positive impact on student’s lives and the community around her. Her description of the impact the Girls to Ladies program has had stood out to me. Christine told me that since 2004, around 200 girls have participated in this program. She told me how there has been a “longevity in successes” and that the program has “come full circle” as a woman who participated in the program recently joined the board and will take over the Girls to Ladies program. Christine also emphasized why agricultural education is central to Our Core’s mission: “[The students] are disconnected from the food. [This program enables them to] grow from seed to harvest. They want to come into the growing space and have a strong desire to be there.” She recounted how one of the student interns had just recently texted her to ask if she could go over to the farm where she had been working. I could tell how passionate Christine is about making Our Core such a positive force in the community. She told me how her dream is to “have their own growing space, office space, and greenhouse space.” I was also amazed by how many different tasks Christine is able to accomplish: “I’m on the ground with students with my hands in the dirt for the agriculture program....I’m also working with leadership and directors...[and] with a garden educator...I like to have my hands in everything.” Christine, as an inventive leader of a unique and important nonprofit organization, serves as a role model for The Farmlink Project. She pushes the boundaries of what one organized group can accomplish and do to help those around them.

To learn more about Our Core, please visit their website.

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Olivia has been a member of The Farmlink Project Impact Team since June 2020. In addition to writing articles for the weekly newsletter and website, she calculates Farmlink's environmental impact. She also applies her experience with researching, interviewing, and writing about partner farms and food banks to her role as co-lead of the Nutrition Resources growth project. This project is focused on researching and compiling nutrition resources in order to design a webpage for our partner food access organizations and their clients. Olivia is from Fairfield, CT. She is a Mathematics major and Visual Arts minor ('22) at Bowdoin College in Brunswick, ME. Olivia is passionate about using data as a tool to advocate for social and environmental change. The best food discovery Olivia ever had was chocolate melted in oatmeal. She consistently eats this for breakfast at least twice a week. She is also an avid matcha tea drinker.

Christine Hutchinson

Executive Director of Our Core

In the town of Newburgh, New York, which lies along the Hudson River about 60 miles north of Manhattan, there is a cooperative community of youth involved in an organization called Our Core. Our Core has varied educational opportunities for the local youth, including everything from agricultural to scholarship opportunities, but they are all focused on addressing the systems of injustice in Newburgh by helping students. Our Core has a rich history that starts in 2004 with a teacher named Christine Hutchinson and her idea for a program called Girls to Ladies—“a character and life-skill development group for teen girls in which members learn and grow through collaborative problem solving and community service,” according to Our Core’s website.

I was able to speak with Christine, now Executive Director of Our Core, in November after The Farmlink Project began an extended partnership with the organization in October. According to Claudia Sandell, one of the leaders of The Farmlink Project’s Farms Team, “[Our Core] set up contracts with local farmers for weekly produce deliveries until December 15th and we're going to help them cover the cost of the produce and transportation...spanning over about eight weeks.” The deliveries consist of roughly 10,340 pounds of mixed fresh produce including squash, carrots, potatoes, sweet potatoes, radish, onions, greens, and apples. Though these deliveries seem similar to other deliveries we do on a weekly basis, Our Core is a distinct nonprofit in that unlike many other food access organizations we partner with, its primary goal does not revolve around solving food insecurity. I enjoyed learning about Our Core’s initiatives and programs while talking to Christine, as well as their transition to putting an emphasis on helping feed families in their community during the pandemic.

Our Core officially became a nonprofit organization in 2017, according to Christine. Three main programs comprise Our Core: Girls to Ladies, AgriCultural Education, and Funding Academics. Christine noted that AgriCultural Education is the “fastest growing, most visible program.” This program includes an opportunity to complete a paid summer internship—an opportunity established three years ago. The home base for this internship program is the Downing Park Urban Farm (DPUF) in Newburgh. Though Our Core had to reduce the number of interns this past season to maintain social distancing, they worked for a longer time period—from May until late-October/early-November—making them instrumental in growing 4,500 pounds of produce under the direction of the DPUF farmer, Molly Foley. There are three different “tracks” that make up this internship program, according to Christine and Our Core’s website: Marketing, Growing, and Education. The marketing and education interns complete much of their internship running a farmers market, and the education interns work with Land to Learn, taking what they learn at the farm to teach elementary-aged children. Our Core also has also worked with the local high school to establish an urban agriculture course, and Christine said that they are working to “create a college-level course for the spring.” These programs all existed before COVID-19, but a new one has emerged this year to address the new hunger challenges the community is currently facing.

According to Christine, this new push is called Our Core’s “COVID response food access initiative.” She described how there was a USDA program paying farmers to provide food boxes for communities in need, but that “nobody was sending boxes to Newburgh.” Being the action-oriented educator that she is, Christine wanted to help solve this problem and made it possible for Our Core to be funded to distribute food. Specifically, this funding came from Glynfood’s Food Sovereignty Fund, which Christine described as “money given to organizations like Our Core…so they can connect farms to feeding programs”—just like The Farmlink Project, except more local and community-based! This is an ongoing initiative, and she has been able to include students in multiple steps of the process, including “sorting and packaging produce, and choosing appropriate produce for their communities,” according to Christine. Our Core has been partnering with five “feeding programs,” including a local group called M’Vore Cares, and has helped serve homeless residents in Newburgh. They have also been partnering with multiple farms in the area: Farm Fresh Caribbean Growers in New Paltz, Second Wind CSA in Gardiner, Farm Tournant in Montgomery, Grandpa Farm at the Chester Agriculture Center, and Trinity Farms in Milton. By working with Our Core, The Farmlink Project is also directly supporting these farms and food access groups.

Christine described the extensive challenges that Newburgh has faced during the pandemic. There was a reduction in volunteers, more produce had to be donated rather than sold, and Christine said that “a lot more of the food went directly into the kids’ neighborhoods.” She also explained that the AgriCultural Education program shifted to focus on “production” with the “goal of feeding the community,” and said that students were “at the farm all the time.” Still, she wanted to make sure that it was an educational experience for the students involved and that they were paid for their hard work.

I cannot believe how dedicated and determined Christine is to make a positive impact on student’s lives and the community around her. Her description of the impact the Girls to Ladies program has had stood out to me. Christine told me that since 2004, around 200 girls have participated in this program. She told me how there has been a “longevity in successes” and that the program has “come full circle” as a woman who participated in the program recently joined the board and will take over the Girls to Ladies program. Christine also emphasized why agricultural education is central to Our Core’s mission: “[The students] are disconnected from the food. [This program enables them to] grow from seed to harvest. They want to come into the growing space and have a strong desire to be there.” She recounted how one of the student interns had just recently texted her to ask if she could go over to the farm where she had been working. I could tell how passionate Christine is about making Our Core such a positive force in the community. She told me how her dream is to “have their own growing space, office space, and greenhouse space.” I was also amazed by how many different tasks Christine is able to accomplish: “I’m on the ground with students with my hands in the dirt for the agriculture program....I’m also working with leadership and directors...[and] with a garden educator...I like to have my hands in everything.” Christine, as an inventive leader of a unique and important nonprofit organization, serves as a role model for The Farmlink Project. She pushes the boundaries of what one organized group can accomplish and do to help those around them.

To learn more about Our Core, please visit their website.

Olivia has been a member of The Farmlink Project Impact Team since June 2020. In addition to writing articles for the weekly newsletter and website, she calculates Farmlink's environmental impact. She also applies her experience with researching, interviewing, and writing about partner farms and food banks to her role as co-lead of the Nutrition Resources growth project. This project is focused on researching and compiling nutrition resources in order to design a webpage for our partner food access organizations and their clients. Olivia is from Fairfield, CT. She is a Mathematics major and Visual Arts minor ('22) at Bowdoin College in Brunswick, ME. Olivia is passionate about using data as a tool to advocate for social and environmental change. The best food discovery Olivia ever had was chocolate melted in oatmeal. She consistently eats this for breakfast at least twice a week. She is also an avid matcha tea drinker.